To keep things short and sweet, I will be talking about 3 clinic I consulted with with details about prices and procedures based on doctors recommendations.

This is my nose before surgery (sorry about the major close up). As you can see my nose was lightly short, uneven nostrils and bulbous. My main concern was that nostril.
Note: Prices will vary form person to person depending on your need, your Doctors recommendation and the clinic. I'm not sure if this is true, but I have heard that most clinics review there prices every 6 months so some procedures may go up or down in price. But for now, I hope this helps you budget. Happy reading !! :)
JW PIastic Surgery - Dr Man Koon Suh
Doctors recommendation: Tip plasty, nose lengthening and alar graft
Price: Tip plasty (5 mil won) + Nose Lengthening & Alar graft (1.2 mil won)
Total Price: 6.2 million won
My first consultation was with JW Plastic Surgery. I met the lovely Jenny (English consultant) and filled out the necessary forms and took some photos. I then met with Dr Suh who speaks very good English, he looked at my nose and immediately pointed out that I had uneven nostrils and asked me how I felt about my bridge. To be honest, I wasn't too fussed about it so that's exactly what I told him. He told me that he felt my height was sufficient and there was no need to augment my bridge. Dr Suh recommended 3 procedures listed above in order to address my concerns i.e. to make my nostrils appear more similar. The method for nose lengthening was explained to me including which material he would use:
Ear cartilage for alar graft; and
Septal and ear cartilage for the tip and lengthening.
Dr Suh emphasized that his man concentration during surgery was to make my nostril less visible/upturned and slightly more symmetrical. I was warned not to expect full symmetrical nose. I showed him pictures of the noses I liked. He was quite frank with me and explained that the noses were long would look unnatural on my face and I would look much older. Although it was slightly disheartening I did appreciate the honesty. Dr Suh is very direct, professional and knowledgeable. I felt that he managed my expectations, was realistic on what was achievable and listened to my concerns.
GNG Hospital - Dr Yong-Hae Seong
Doctors Recommendation: Donabted Rib Rhinoplasty + alar graft using my ear cartilage+skin
with 1 days hospitalisation
Total Price: 9 Mil won
Price List:
Alar graft using ear cartilage and skin = 2 mil won
Rhinoplasty using my own rib cartilage = 12 mil won
Donated rib cartilage rhino = 7 mil won

Silicone impant rhino = 4.5 mil won​​
Tip plasty = 5.5 mil won
Dr Seong recommended that I have rhinoplasty using either my own rib or donated rib cartilage and alar graft using my ear cartilage and skin. One concern I raised with Dr Seong was my occupation, ans how I phrased it "likely get punched in the face in my field of work" so in my case this was one of the main factors he chose rib rhinoplasty over silicone implant for bridge. Prior to meeting with Dr Seong, Hazel (English Consultant) took me to take a CT scan and x-ray, these images were used by Dr Seong in order to show me I did not have enough septal cartilage to work with. The picture to the right or picture above if your reading this on your mobile, is what Dr Seong recommended.

I felt this was abit to dramatic for me. GNG made it clear they felt this was the best option. I asked the Korean consultant with the help of Hazel whether it was possible for just have surgery only on my tip (just like previous doctors recommended). At this point, Dr Seong had left and gone into surgery . I was advised that if I choose this option I would have a so-called 'dent' in my nose (see picture). So to avoid this, I had to augment my bridge to smooth out my nose line. I will admit that I felt a bit pressured as if r rib rhinoplasty or tipplasty with a dent were my only two options.
As you could imagine, I became extremely concerned about this and the fact I wasn't even aware this was a possibility. I immediately added this to my list of questions to ask during my next consultation scheduled at April31. It was also for this reason I decided to re-visit JW to ask the same questions and express my concersns over the possibility of having a nose dent after surgery.
Dr Seong doesn't speak English well. There were 3 people in the room during the consult, I felt at imes my questions got lost in translation. But overall, I did appreciate that GNG made an effort and took the time to discuss all the options and concerns. The consultation actually went for 2 hours. In the end, I didn't feel conmfortable enough to have rib rhinoplasty.
April31 - Dr Jae Hoon Kim
Doctors Recommendation: tip plasty (including nose lenthening) and alar contour graft
Price: Tip plasty (5.5 mil won) + alar graft (1 mil won)
De-swelling treatments are available at additional costs not included in total below
Total price: 6.5 mil won
I met with the consultant Brian and filled out the necessary forms. The off to take CT scan and X-ray for 50,000 won. During my consultation Dr Kim, I asked him about the possibility of a 'dent' if i didnt have my bridge augmented. Like Dr Suh (JW), he said the height of my bridge was sufficient and I should leave it untouched if I wanted the most natural results. Dr Kim showed me a video of the procedure/method he would use to lengthen my nose. He also showed me various pictures of people who has similar noses to myself and the their results. This was really great because I'm a visual person and I was able to gauge what kind of style. From all of his work, I can say that he does not have a one-size-fits-all-gangnam nose. He seems to works with what you have and what will suit you most. I very much admired that about him.
During my consult, Dr Kim manipulated a 3D image of myself and showed me a profile view what I could potentially look like after surgery . All of this was done with lots of caution. Dr Kim advised that things could be different in the surgery room, things may change depending on what he opens up my nose and find. He emphasized a very 'natural' look which in his case meant that a nose which would suit me and balance the rest of my features on my face. Essentially, I would come out of surgery still looking like an improved version of myself (and not like another person). I really liked the Doctor and felt that he really understood what i was hoping to achieve. I left April 31 feeling very happy and confident in the doctor is skilled.